Artocratia collectors: Platon Petrov


Platon Petrov is the grandson of the famous Soviet graphic artist Mark Petrov, an artist, a former curator of the funds of the Imperial Academy of Arts, a member of Manifesta 10. And what’s moreover, Platon collects the artworks of his colleagues! Exactly about this hobby he told us in our new inter

Artocratia collectors: Platon Petrov

A couple of words about yourself:

I’m a contemporary artists. I love constructivism and architecture. I learn it. All my creative path goes as a study. I also have some kind of passion for collecting art. Andy Warhol and Yves Saint-Laurent had the same passion. They created new art movement and studied the phenomenon of collecting. This is the direction I’d rather put myself in.

What are the ways you choose the artists for your collection?

I’m addicted mainly to art dedicated to "Kino" band, the 80s, the 90s, the time of perestroika, the time of updates, the time of some kind of kindness and honesty that go right from the souls. Very difficult time though, and politically, and all those bandits - I was growing up witnessing this. I understand very well what this art is about. I also collect art of raves and dance-floors. The artists who created their art in times of those events. I love Moscow conceptualism of the 80-90s, the artists of the "Inspection Medical Hermeneutics" art group. I like Serezha Anufriev, so I collect his artworks. I’m also a fan of necrorealism: Evgeny Yufit, Morozov, Serp, Bezrukov, I like the wild artists of the "New Academy", I like Timur Novikov, Oleg Kotelnikov, Georgy Guryanov, who was my friend and Mamyshev-Monroe, who was my friend. That's why I collect a "New Academy" and, of course, knowing these artists, communicating with them - this was also an important part of what I collect.

Sergey Anufriev. Still-life of a portrait. 2017, oil on canvas, 50 x 50 cm

Paintings from what cities and counties of origin do you mostly have?

It’s mostly Russia: Saint Petersburg, Moscow.

Is there a thing than brings your entire collection together? How did it start?

Initially, I myself drew little men with square heads and the artist Andrey Krisanov from the "Kino" band, who was a guitarist there, involved me. This is exactly the thing that led me to collecting. I had several paintings by Andrey Krisanov, I exchanged them for my own works. Then I continued to collect and got a pretty decent collection of "New Academy". There is also Bella Matveeva, Denis Egelsky, Timur Novikov. My main directions are: the "New Academy", necrorealism, new artists and Sergei Anufriev as a Moscow conceptualist. I also collect books from the 20s and 30s, collect stamps and match labels, the 60s and 70s, everything that affected and could affect new artists and the "New Academy", things that were at raves. The most important artist for the formation of my collection is Andrey Krisanov.

Andrey Krisanov. 1000 volts. 1987, oil on canvas, 60 x 160 cm
