Technology and humanity: Vernissage exhibition in Dubai

Technology and humanity: Vernissage exhibition in Dubai

Recently, the open call for the Vernissage project, featured on Artocratia, has ended. Vernissage was created by Alvitr Club members Richard and Tatyana Zalan. It is an online platform connecting young artists with experienced collectors. Soon, a large-scale immersive exhibition, "Humanity and Technology," will open in Dubai. In this article, we introduce the participating artists.


Anastasia Skabelkina

Anastasia Skabelkina specializes in digital art, creating interactive installations, light sculptures, and augmented reality projects. Through digital art, she challenges our perception of physical reality and explores how modern technologies can transform it.


Yana Germann

Yana Germann is the founder of the "Metarenaissance" movement. Her work invites individuals to accept a "constructed second reality" as truth and explores the manipulation of consciousness as the only way to interact. She explores the coexistence of humans and technology as well as the issue of authorship.


Kirill Rave

Kirill Rave delves into fundamental questions about human nature. His art aims to create a hybrid environment, combining the virtual and the material through total installations. By incorporating fractal structures and glitches, Kirill showcases the interplay between the physical and the virtual.


Victoria Duryagina

Victoria Duryagina's artistic practice revolves around human sensory perception. She aims to establish a connection between the viewer and the artist, creating shared experiences. Using generative algorithms, she discovers new relationships and challenges the established image of the world.


Sasha Malysheva

Sasha Malysheva explores the boundaries between the real and the virtual, the analog and the digital, and the past and the present. Drawing from media archaeology, she questions the reliability of information in the post-truth era. By selecting and interpreting fragments of reality, Sasha challenges our understanding of truth.


Denis Lotarev

Denis Lotarev pioneers in …
